Internet user told the newspaper Secreat China: "In the city of Laiyang, Shandong Province on 27 March 2009 approximately 16:20 to 16:50 hours in the sky the sun appears three, on both sides of the front of the sun, there are two light-rounded a blind uncertain, as the sun hidden behind clouds, in the East rainbow appears as a very large bow.
"When I was working at home, and call my friend says: dials to see the sky! Three sun is shining at the same time, some people rush out of the house, so look to the sky, amazed, truly magnificent! Very beautiful, we have seen the sun three, almost the same brightness, which is in the middle a little more light, the three rows in the North and South, the circle of light around the sun is also very clear: This is the first time in my life seen such a beautiful rainbow ". (erabaru.or.id / lim)
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