Number and name names wife of the Prophet Muhammad SAW
The number of wives he is more than 1 take a very deep wisdom in the present time, namely the number of sources of Islamic teachings, especially those related to the fiqih women, because generally there are lessons from the Prophet SAW on the woman came. Had Rasulullah SAW beristrikan only one person only, the study of women fiqih now it will be very limited because only a limited source of one person. With hitched up to 11 people, the source will be enough. So purnalah Islam as the religion of syamil mutakamil.
Next is the name of the name and the reason why he marry:
1. Khodijah bint Khuwailid RA, he dinikahi by Rasulullah SAW in Mecca when he was aged 25 years and Khodijah 40 years. From pernikahnnya with Khodijah Rasulullah SAW has a number of boys and girls. However, all sons, he died. While the children of women he is: Zainab, Ruqoyyah, Fatimah and Umm Kultsum. Rasulullah SAW is not married to another woman during Khodijah still alive.
2. Saudah bint Zam? Ah RA, Rasulullah SAW dinikahi by Syawwal in the tenth year of prophethood few days after his death Khodijah. He was a widow who left her husband dead by a named As-Sakron bin Amr.
3. Aisyah binti Abu Bakr RA, Rasulullah SAW dinikahi by Syawal month eleventh year of prophethood, a year after he married Saudah or two years and five months before the Hijrah. Dinikahi when he was 6 years old and lived in the same house Syawwal 6 months after the Hijrah when he was age 9 years. He was a Prophet SAW and the girls never marry a girl than She.
With She married, then his relationship with Abu Bakr became very strong and they have a special emotional bond. Abu Bakr own position is pending in dakwah Prophet SAW during both still alive and he died after. Abu Bakr was the first caliph of the Prophet in the lower divisions to be all forms of sirna.
In addition, She ra, is the brightest figures of women and science have a very high where so many problems, especially the teachings of Islam and home affairs that the source came from this figure ibunda Muslims.
4. Hafsoh bint Umar bin Al-Khotob RA, she left her husband dead by Khunais bin As-Hudzafah Sahmi, then dinikahi by Rasulullah SAW in the third year Hijriyah. He engaged women to honor his father Umar bin Al-Khotob.
By marrying Umar hafshah daughter, the emotional relationship between Umar with Rasulullah SAW become such a familiar, strong and not tergoyahkan. Not surprisingly because Umar had pernanan sangant dakwah important in both the morning when the Islamic new start time and split the expansion of Islam to the three major world civilization. In the hands of Umar, Islam proved successful almost all good news at the time that the Islamic Prophet SAW akan overcome all religions in the world.
5. Zainab bint Khuzaimah RA, from Bani Hilal bin Amir bin Sho? Sho? Ah and is known as Ummul Masakin because he dote them. Previously he bersuamikan Abdulloh bin Jahsy akan but her husband a martyr in Uhud, and the Prophet SAW engaged women in the fourth Hijriyyah. He died two or three months after pernikahannya the Prophet SAW.
6. Hindun Umm Salamah bint Abu Umayyah RA, previously married to Abu Salamah, but her husband died in the month Jumada Awal Hijriyah with 4 years menngalkan two sons and two daughters. He dinikahi by Rasulullah SAW in Syawwal in the same year.
Reason he is engaged women to respect and maintain the Umm Salamah children are orphans.
7. Zainab bint Jahsyi bin Royab RA, from Bani Asad bin Khuzaimah aunt and was a daughter of Rasulullah SAW. Before he married with Zaid bin Harith and then be divorced by her husband's. He dinikahi by Rasulullah SAW in Dzul Qo? Dah fifth year of Hijrah.
Marriage is on the Alloh SWT Jahiliyah to clear customs in the case of adoption of children and also remove all konskuensi child adoption.
8. Juwairiyah bint Al-Harith RA, the leader of Bani Mustholiq of Khuza? Ah. He is a prisoner of war who sahamnya owned by Tsabit bin Qais bin Syimas, and then redeemed by Rasulullah SAW dinikahi and by his hours on sya? Tires to 6 years Hijrah.
Reason he is engaged women to reach menghormatinya and sympathy from kabilhnya (because he was the son of nomadic tribe leaders) and to free prisoners of war.
9. Umm Habibah Ramlah bint Abu Sufyan RA, before he dinikahi by Ubaidillah bin Jahsy Hijrah with him and to Habsyah. Her husband is a renegade and nashroni and died there. Umm Habibbah still Istiqomah against religion. When the Prophet SAW send Amr bin Umayyah ADH-Dhomari to deliver a letter to the king Najasy in 7 Hijrah Muharrom years. Prophet mengkhitbah Umm Habibah through the king and dinikahkan and returned back to Madinah with Surahbil bin Hasanah.
So that the most powerful reason is to reassure her and give her a better replacement for him. And award them to the Hijrah Habasyah because they have previously experienced punishment and a heavy pressure in Mecca.
10. Shofiyyah bint Huyay bin Akhtob RA, from the Children of Israel, he is a war tawan Rasulullah SAW Khoibar ago and chose dimeredekakan and dinikahinya after menaklukan Khoibar years 7 Hijriyyah.
Pernakahan aims to maintain his position as the leader of the nomadic tribe.
11. Maimunah bint al-Harith RA, saudarinya Umm Al-Fadhl Lubabah bint Al-Harith. He was a widow who is elderly, dinikahi in Dzul QA? Dah 7 years old at the time of Hijrah Umroh Qadho implement.
From all the women who dinikahi Prophet SAW, none of them bear the child of their marriage with the Prophet SAW, except Khadijatul Kubra, as mentioned above. However, Rasulullah SAW has had sons other than Khadijah is a slave woman named Mariah al-Qibthiyah which is a gift from Egypt Muqauqis Council. He named the child, but died while still small.
Thus the short data sekelumit wife the noble Prophet SAW, where specifically permitted Rasulullah SAW, and they wed julah them more than 4 people, maximum limit of polygamy in Islam.
From all of that, Rasulullah SAW generally marry them because of humanitarian considerations and a smooth affair dakwah. He only love one wife Siti Khodijah never else.
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