Do you know, Richard is the king of England does not speak English? Or, if you know the king and the sultan Saladin Richard often have dinner together when break at war ? War-like the other war, the crusade to save a lot of stories or facts and unique.
1. Richard the Lion heart, which is famous as the King of England, and he can not speak English. Because since chile he was always live in France. He just born in the UK. In fact, it seems, he is more conversant in Arabic than English.
2. King Richard is in the UK in the government only during the 11 months. Queen Berengaria of Navarre, not even ever been to the UK at all. Therefore, Richard is also known as "The King absent
3. not believe motivation with fellow colleagues expedition crusade, King Richard had said: "I am more willing Jerusalem led by a Muslim who wise and spirited tournament of the holy city fall to the European baron who pursue only private property"
4. At an event in the battle at Jaffa, when the trooper felt the exhaustion of the Cross, Richard own troops led the spear against the Muslims. Saladin narrowly in the side with full admiration. When she saw the horse Richard fell below it, Sultan immediately send to the carpenters kudanya battle field with two horses that are still fresh for the King of England who is brave.
5. There is also the story of Richard who entered Jerusalem with the masquerade and dinner with Saladin: they took each other friendly. In a series of talks, Richard said to the Sultan about his view on how the King of England. Saladin said that Richard more in the nature brave as a knight, but sometimes he tends to dissipate with this is too hasty in battle. Meanwhile, according to him Richard, Saladin too moderate strengthening in the value keksatriaan, even in the
6. When one of the rebel commander of war saladin, Richard to kill him and deliver his head on the saladin and said, "I do not want to disrupt people this" game "we are small." And the next day their fierce battle.
7. Once in a battle, Richard saw that the sword saladin blunt and stop the war he was that day in order to provide an opportunity saladin shape his sword
8. One day, Richard sick. Heard the news, sending Shalahuddin best doctors to treat Richard. When again we can get the Muslim leaders that have morals like Salahuddin?
9. People mentioned in the first European Muslim people as a Barbarian, but the result of intensive contacts that crusade, Slow slow they realize that the barbarian is them. high culture and science of Muslims at that time.
10. According to historical records, during the crusade, all women and prostitutes in usir out of the camp crusaders. All must be holy crusaders physically, free from lust. But there is one group of women free entry exit the camp crusaders carpenters washing clothes. Even if one group tukang cuci would travel between cities, they are kept by sepasukan knight, and dibuntuti troops infantri. If the convoy is attacked, the carpenters and travel safety is no.1. Time thralled Muslim troops, the mischief-washing is more respected than the ordinary soldier. Until-until Richard The Lion Heart also willing to pay the carpenters make ransum wash it
11. When Frederick Barbarossa (grandfather emperor Frederik II) died on the crusade expeditions III, ksatrianya that many assume that this is the will of God and many who joined with the Muslims. Then bring the remaining Jasad Barbarossa to Jerusalem with the contention later Barbarosa akan born again.
12. Emperor Frederick II of Germany, have a special relationship with Sultan Malik from Egypt in the war of the cross V. He felt that in the era (era dark ages), the only comparable with him in the culture and personality is a prince-a prince of the kingdom of Islam. Therefore, the lifestyle rather nyentrik (he berpoligami, although not a Catholic).
13. Time forced to participate in the crusade, Frederick II was successfully seize Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Nazareth without meneteskan setitik darahpun. Although he only how to rent a 3 city friend of the sultan of Egypt, Malik
14. There have been instances Frederick II beat clergy who enter into the mosque and warned that not do it again. Meanwhile, al-Malik had dinasehati by Templar Knight that killed Frederick II at the time pengawalannya are loose. Knowing this, al-Malik told Frederick II soon so soon go from there because the situation 'dangerous'.
15. Defeat Arab forces more often because they do terpancing attack against all European heavy cavalry. Where is the discipline and combat experience of the volunteer Jihad far less of a combat veteran, especially European ordo-ordo military as Templar, Hospitallers and Teutonic Knight.
16. Europe defeat the general result of alias insubordinasi less strong single command in the army unit that consists of different elements of the ordo baron and the military actually does not like each other of each other. In addition, in some reversal, the mercenary army (mercenary) and European volunteers are often too quick to leave barisannya to sack the cities of Islam that is almost ditaklukannya. This is to make true Islamic forces have terpojok can counter-attack
17. Turkey khwaraziman troops who attacked the Jerusalem 1244 years old at that time controlled by the descendants of genghis khan, Eljigidei. Funny that this is the army of the majority are Buddhist pasukannya even commander Hulegu khan is also a Buddhis.
18. Actual delivery of the Crusader wrong address, the Turkish Seljuk that many of the Christian pilgrimage to Jerusalem have been expelled by caliph of Egypt. But time and poor information does not create leaders hear Crusader turnover of power in Jerusalem.
19. Division of elite troops in the Russian Cossack a horse and a horse in France Musketer inspired successful because troops mounted pemanah Arab nations. Troops not only as a horse troop sayab but a special forces
20. Building sepasukan Knights take a very large cost. Even a king in the mid-century have only about 100 - 300 Full Knight with the Heavy Horse komandonya who serve under the full - time. Usually the king akan collect Knight under the duke and baronnya when the big battle.
21. The Knights are usually the children who do not have a noble inheritance. At that time as well as where the noble course, wealth and power of the father only inherited by the son sulungnya, unless the king or the level where the wealthy baron son to two to 3 is still possible to inherit the estate, or a county with a small castle. Son-son who does not feel or have less wealth since adolescents typically hone the skills of war with itself. They then at a certain age (15-16 years) in inagurasi a knight by the king or baron, where he serve.
22. There is a rule that never are by both sides during the war of the cross. That is fact Nobility or applicable law Chivalry in the mid-century that the king can not kill a fellow king. Especially when captivity. One of the code of ethics of the noble Knights and their avoidance is to kill or orang2 family's patrician who surrender / in captivity. However, a special military-religious Order spt Templar, Hospitaller and Teutonic Cross in the war, the rule does not apply to the noble / noble Muslim. Except in special conditions or get a special order of the Crusader leaders get a mandate directly from the Pope. In Arab tradition itself, a king among kings kill abstinence. It was Saladin who applied when he did not kill Guy of Lusignan, king of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem when it successfully won the battle Hattin
23. Saladin had violated ethics and Islamic law of war I always junjung he high when he was executing all prisoners of Templar and Hospitaller knight when he won the battle Hattin. Meanwhile, Richard The Lion Heart also had violated the code of conduct and ethics Noble Chivalry is executing in 2000 when he was a warrior Saladin captivity in front of the gate, Acre / Akko
5. There is also the story of Richard who entered Jerusalem with the masquerade and dinner with Saladin: they took each other friendly. In a series of talks, Richard said to the Sultan about his view on how the King of England. Saladin said that Richard mengunggulinya more in the nature keberaniannya as a knight, but sometimes he tends to dissipate with this is too hasty in battle. Meanwhile, according to him Richard, Saladin too moderate strengthening in the value keksatriaan, even in the
6. When one of the rebel commander of war saladin, Richard to kill him and deliver his head on the saladin and said, "I do not want to disrupt people this" game "we are small." And the next day their fierce battle.
7. Once in a battle, Richard saw that the sword saladin blunt and stop the war he was that day in order to provide an opportunity saladin mengasahnya
8. One day, Richard sick. Heard the news, sending Shalahuddin best doctors to treat Richard. When again we can get the Muslim leaders that have morals like Salahuddin?
9. People mentioned in the first European Muslim people as a Barbarian, but the result of intensive contacts that crusade, Slow slow they realize that the barbarian is them. If ditilik of high culture and science of Muslims at that time.
10. According to historical records, during the crusade, all women and prostitutes in usir out of the camp crusaders. All must be holy crusaders physically, free from lust. But there is one group of women free entry exit the camp crusaders carpenters washing clothes. Even if one group tukang cuci would travel between cities, they are kept by sepasukan knight, and dibuntuti troops infantri. If the convoy is attacked, the carpenters and travel safety is no.1. Time thralled Muslim troops, the mischief-washing is more respected than the ordinary soldier. Until-until Richard The Lion Heart also willing to pay the carpenters make ransum wash it
11. When Frederick Barbarossa (grandfather emperor Frederik II) died on the crusade expeditions III, ksatrianya that many assume that this is the will of God and many who joined with the Muslims. Then bring the remaining Jasad Barbarossa to Jerusalem with the contention later Barbarosa akan born again.
12. Emperor Frederick II of Germany, have a special relationship with Sultan Malik from Egypt in the war of the cross V. He felt that in the era (era dark ages), the only comparable with him in the culture and personality is a prince-a prince of the kingdom of Islam. Therefore, the lifestyle rather nyentrik (he berpoligami, although not a Catholic).
13. Time forced to participate in the crusade, Frederick II was successfully seize Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Nazareth without meneteskan setitik darahpun. Although he only how to rent a 3 city friend of the sultan of Egypt, Malik
14. There have been instances Frederick II beat clergy who enter into the mosque and warned that not do it again. Meanwhile, al-Malik had dinasehati by Templar Knight that killed Frederick II at the time pengawalannya are loose. Knowing this, al-Malik told Frederick II soon so soon go from there because the situation 'dangerous'.
15. Defeat Arab forces more often because they do terpancing attack against all European heavy cavalry. Where is the discipline and combat experience of the volunteer Jihad far less of a combat veteran, especially European ordo-ordo military as Templar, Hospitallers and Teutonic Knight.
16. Europe defeat the general result of alias insubordinasi less strong single command in the army unit that consists of different elements of the ordo baron and the military actually does not like each other of each other. In addition, in some reversal, the mercenary army (mercenary) and European volunteers are often too quick to leave barisannya to sack the cities of Islam that is almost ditaklukannya. This is to make true Islamic forces have terpojok can counter-attack
17. Turkey khwaraziman troops who attacked the Jerusalem 1244 years old at that time controlled by the descendants of genghis khan, Eljigidei. Funny that this is the army of the majority are Buddhist pasukannya even commander Hulegu khan is also a Buddhis.
18. Actual delivery of the Crusader wrong address, the Turkish Seljuk that many of the Christian pilgrimage to Jerusalem have been expelled by caliph of Egypt. But time and poor information does not create leaders hear Crusader turnover of power in Jerusalem.
19. Division of elite troops in the Russian Cossack a horse and a horse in France Musketer inspired successful because troops mounted pemanah Arab nations. Troops not only as a horse troop sayab but a special forces
20. Building sepasukan Knights take a very large cost. Even a king in the mid-century have only about 100 - 300 Full Knight with the Heavy Horse komandonya who serve under the full - time. Usually the king akan collect Knight under the duke and baronnya when the big battle.
21. The Knights are usually the children who do not have a noble inheritance. At that time as well as where the noble course, wealth and power of the father only inherited by the son sulungnya, unless the king or the level where the wealthy baron son to two to 3 is still possible to inherit the estate, or a county with a small castle. Son-son who does not feel or have less wealth since adolescents typically hone the skills of war with itself. They then at a certain age (15-16 years) in inagurasi a knight by the king or baron, where he serve.
22. There is a rule that never are by both sides during the war of the cross. That is fact Nobility or applicable law Chivalry in the mid-century that the king can not kill a fellow king. Especially when captivity. One of the code of ethics of the noble Knights and their avoidance is to kill or orang2 family's patrician who surrender / in captivity. However, a special military-religious Order spt Templar, Hospitaller and Teutonic Cross in the war, the rule does not apply to the noble / noble Muslim. Except in special conditions or get a special order of the Crusader leaders get a mandate directly from the Pope. In Arab tradition itself, a king among kings kill abstinence. It was Saladin who applied when he did not kill Guy of Lusignan, king of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem when it successfully won the battle Hattin
23. Saladin had violated ethics and Islamic law of war I always junjung he high when he was executing all prisoners of Templar and Hospitaller knight when he won the battle Hattin. Meanwhile, Richard The Lion Heart also had violated the code of conduct and ethics Noble Chivalry is executing in 2000 when he was a warrior Saladin captivity in front of the gate, Acre / Akko
24. If during this time we hear that the commander Saladin you polite, then one of the Mamluks Baybar field commander who is violent. Garangnya not lose in a matter of kill-kill like crusaders. If the crusaders under Richard leaders never execute all Muslim prisoners in Aacre troops Baybar also kill all the Christians in Acre, including the clergy and women. he even send a letter to the commander crusaders to recount details of the slaughter in suratnya. Baybar even create a desert environment Acre so in the future so difficult to stand again crusaders.
25. When blockade of Acre, Baybars use siege weapons as weaponnya than not heavy long-distance, as well as psychological and biological weapons. Catapult his weapon is not only a stone throw to the city, but also forces the enemy dead bodies, prisoners of the children who still live and dead animals spt horses, camels etc.. In the mid-century it was often referred to as' humor artillery troops'. Baybars but do so more intensively and chilling.
26. Due dihinggapi disease wahn (love the world and the fear of death). Maka.Shalahuddin then the festival has a warning given the name of the Prophet Muhammad Maulid Shallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam. The goal is to raise the spirit and struggle. Examined in the festival this timeless titled: Sirah nabawiyah (history of the prophet) and atsar (word) friends, particularly those related to the values of this jihad.Festival take two months, respectively. The result is extraordinary. Many Muslim youth who register for the struggle to free Palestine. They were ready to follow military education.
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