Gajah Mada’s loyalty to Jayanagara waned, however, when the King took possession of his wife. In 1328, when Jayanagara was ill, Gajah Mada instructed Tancha, the court physician, to kill the King during an operation. Upon the death of the King, Tancha was blamed and executed by Gajah Mada. Since the King had no son, his daughter Tribhuvana became ruler.
During the reign of Tribhuvana (1328–50), Gajah Mada gradually became the most powerful figure in Majapahit. In 1331 a rebellion took place in Sadeng (eastern Java). Gajah Mada immediately sent a military expedition to the area, but a minister of Majapahit named Kembar attempted to stop him from entering Sadeng. Gajah Mada broke the blockade and won the battle.
Upon his return, Gajah Mada was appointed as mapatih, or prime minister, of Majapahit. At the same time, he took a solemn oath before the council of ministers that he would not enjoy palapa (privileges of vacation or the revenue from his fief ) before he conquered the whole archipelago for Majapahit. When Kembar and other ministers ridiculed this fantastic boast, Gajah Mada, with the help of the Queen, removed Kembar and his followers from office. In 1343, in accordance with his plans, Gajah Mada led a military expedition that conquered Bali.
Tribhuvana abdicated in 1350 and was succeeded by her son Hayam Wuruk, perhaps the best known king of Majapahit. During his reign, Majapahit reached the zenith of its power and controlled the whole of the Indonesian archipelago. The young King seemed content to leave the direction of affairs entirely in the hands of his prime minister.
The year after Hayam Wuruk’s accession, Gajah Mada attempted to spread Majapahit influence to the western Java kingdom of Sunda. He sent a mission to Sunda expressing the wish of Hayam Wuruk to marry the daughter of the King of Sunda. The King consented and brought the Princess, together with some of his noblemen, to Majapahit. They camped in Bubat, north of the capital, in a large field where the wedding was supposed to take place. A disagreement ensued between Gajah Mada and the Sundanese king. The former wanted the King to surrender the Princess to Hayam Wuruk, but the King and his noblemen insisted that the Princess, as the queen of Majapahit, should have a status equal to that of Hayam Wuruk.
Gajah Mada brought in troops and intended to decide the issue by force. The Sundanese
Upon his return, Gajah Mada was appointed as mapatih, or prime minister, of Majapahit. At the same time, he took a solemn oath before the council of ministers that he would not enjoy palapa (privileges of vacation or the revenue from his fief ) before he conquered the whole archipelago for Majapahit. When Kembar and other ministers ridiculed this fantastic boast, Gajah Mada, with the help of the Queen, removed Kembar and his followers from office. In 1343, in accordance with his plans, Gajah Mada led a military expedition that conquered Bali.
Tribhuvana abdicated in 1350 and was succeeded by her son Hayam Wuruk, perhaps the best known king of Majapahit. During his reign, Majapahit reached the zenith of its power and controlled the whole of the Indonesian archipelago. The young King seemed content to leave the direction of affairs entirely in the hands of his prime minister.
The year after Hayam Wuruk’s accession, Gajah Mada attempted to spread Majapahit influence to the western Java kingdom of Sunda. He sent a mission to Sunda expressing the wish of Hayam Wuruk to marry the daughter of the King of Sunda. The King consented and brought the Princess, together with some of his noblemen, to Majapahit. They camped in Bubat, north of the capital, in a large field where the wedding was supposed to take place. A disagreement ensued between Gajah Mada and the Sundanese king. The former wanted the King to surrender the Princess to Hayam Wuruk, but the King and his noblemen insisted that the Princess, as the queen of Majapahit, should have a status equal to that of Hayam Wuruk.Gajah Mada brought in troops and intended to decide the issue by force. The Sundanese noblemen preferred death to dishonour; instead of a happy wedding, a bloody massacre took place. The King of Sunda was killed, as were the Princess and the Sundanese noblemen. After the massacre, Sunda seems to have acknowledged the overlordship of Majapahit for a time but, ultimately, recovered its independence.
To glorify his power, Gajah Mada built a temple on the boundary line of the Singhasāri kingdom in eastern Java to equate himself with the last king of Singhasāri. It was under his patronage that Prapanca began the composition ofNāgarakertāgama, the epic of Majapahit. A law book that had a great significance in Javanese history was also compiled under his instructions.
Gajah Mada also played a major role in the direction of internal policy. He occupied numerous positions, including that of chief officer of the palace. The range of his activities was so great that, when he died, Hayam Wuruk found it necessary to appoint four ministers to take over the positions that had previously been the responsibility of Gajah Mada alone. GajahMada’s death (1364) occurred under mysterious circumstances. Some writers claim that he was poisoned by Hayam Wuruk, who had come to fear his minister’s power. The evidence, however, is inconclusive.
Gajah Mada’s role in unifying the Indonesian archipelago caused early Indonesian nationalists to consider him a great national hero
September 18, 2008--A comb jelly trips the light fantastic as it pulses off Heron Island onAustralia's Great Barrier Reef complex
The creature, which lacks the stingers of jellyfish, was among thousands of species studied at three coral reef sites--two of them along the Great Barrier--during a four-year survey led by the Australian Institute of Marine Science.
The survey team announced today that it has discovered hundreds of animals new to science, including previously unknown microscopic shrimp, worms, scavenging crustaceans--and as many as 150 new species of soft corals.
The reef expeditions were done as part of the Census of Marine Life, a global ten-year initiative to assess the diversity, distribution, and abundance of creatures in the world's oceans.
--James Owen
—Photograph courtesy Gary Cranitch/Queensland Museum/copyright 2008
A pair of strange new worlds that blur the boundaries between planets and stars have been discovered beyond our Solar System.
A few dozen such objects have been identified in recent years but this is the first set of "twins".
Dubbed "planemos", they circle each other rather than orbiting a star.
Their existence challenges current theories about the formation of planets and stars, astronomers report in the journal Science.
"This is a truly remarkable pair of twins - each having only about 1% the mass of our Sun," said Ray Jayawardhana of the University of Toronto, co-author of the Science paper.
"Its mere existence is a surprise, and its origin and fate a bit of a mystery."
'Double planet'
The pair belongs to what some astronomers believe is a new class of planet-like objects floating through space; so-called planetary mass objects, or "planemos", which are not bound to stars.
They appear to have been forged from a contracting gas cloud, in a similar way to stars, but are much too cool to be true stars.
And while they have similar masses to many of the giant planets discovered beyond our Solar System (the larger weighs in at 14 times the mass of Jupiter and the other is about seven times more massive), they are not thought to be true planets either.
"We are resisting the temptation to call it a 'double planet' because this pair probably didn't form the way that planets in our Solar System did," said co-researcher Valentin Ivanov of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Santiago, Chile.
'Amazing diversity'
The two objects have similar spectra and colours, suggesting that they formed at the same time about a million years ago.
They are separated by about six times the distance between the Sun and Pluto, and can be found in the Ophiuchus star-forming region some 400 light years away. They go under the official name Oph 162225-240515, or Oph 1622 for short.
"Recent discoveries have revealed an amazing diversity of worlds out there," said Dr Jayawardhana. "Still, the Oph 1622 pair stands out as one of the most intriguing, if not peculiar."
His colleague, Dr Ivanov, said they were curious to find out whether such pairs are common or rare.
"The answer could shed light on how free-floating planetary-mass objects form," he added.
X plane ( pesawat terbaru amerika ) sebagai senjata pemusnah dengan biaya rendah
Apa yang di maksud dengan x plane adalah pesawat yang memiliki kemampuan siluman ( tak terdekteksi radar ) memiliki kemampuan tiga tipe penyerangan : dog fight, air to air combat, and ground combat, dan memiliki kemempuan helicopter,mampu mendarat dimana pun tanpa mengunakan landasan yang panjang, dan melayang.
Ini salah satu jenis x plane yang berasal dari boeing yang memenang kan kontrak pertahanan : sekitar 200 miliyar dollar
Specifications First flight: X-32A, Sept. 18, 2000; X-32B, March 29, 2001 Military model numbers: X-32A and X-32B Span: X-32A, 36 feet; X-32B, 30 feet Length: X-32A, 45 feet; X-32B, 43 feet 8.6 inches Takeoff weight: 50,000 pounds Speed: Supersonic Service ceiling: 50,000 feet Range: 600 to 850 nautical-mile-radius (internal fuel only) Power: One Pratt & Whitney JSF-119-PW-614 turbofan producing thrust in excess of 42,000 pounds Accommodation: One pilot
Dengan kemampaun untuk melaju di udara dengan cepat kemudian stop di di udara mirip UFO. Mendarat dengan posisi vertical. Dan bergerak kedepan dalam mode hover ( melayang ) dengan ketinggian 7 m dengan kecepatan 60 km/h. dan kecepatan penuh supersonic dengan 1.08 march ( I.8 KALI KECEPATAN SUARA )