Unfortunately, about half the people who get kidney stones will suffer them again, along with the symptoms of sudden, sharp waves of pain, nausea and profuse sweating that accompany this problem. Severe cases are also accompanied by bleeding and, if there is an infection, even fever. As with any kidney condition, you must see your physician to determine the exact cause of your symptoms and the severity of the condition.
Kidney stones are mineral deposits made up of calcium, uric acid or the amino acid cysteine. There are numerous theories as to how these "stones" form, but no one knows for sure how it happens. Medical experts agree, however, that diet is certainly a factor. For instance, kidney stones develop in vegetarians and other people who eat plenty of fresh vegetables only about half as often as in those whose diet does not include these important foods. Obesity and repeated kidney infections are also risk factors. Even after an infection has passed, a small amount of debris remains in the kidneys—medical researchers suspect that the stones form around this debris. You are also at greater risk of developing this problem if there is a history of kidney stones in your family.
In some herb books, it is said that lemon juice reduces the size of kidney stones, but most herbal remedies, including those based on lemon juice and hydrangea, do not actually dissolve stones. Instead, they help eliminate the stones and reduce or relieve the pain that occurs as they are eliminated. The larger the stone, the more uncomfortable this can be. Herbs that reduce infection, pain and spasms are cramp bark, goldenrod and joe-pye weed, aptly nicknamed "gravel root" for its ability to get rid of stones.
Goldenrod has received official recognition in Germany for its effectiveness in getting rid of kidney stones. Several species of the plant are used for this purpose throughout Europe, although it is not as popular in North America. This is too bad, considering that goldenrod is an excellent urinary tract herb that grows wild throughout much of North America. Several scientific studies support goldenrod's action.
Agrimony, horsetail, yarrow, shepherd's purse, Saint-John's-wort and nettles can also be used to reduce bleeding caused by kidney stones.
At least 75 percent of kidney stones are composed of calcium combined with phosphate or oxalic acid. Medical experts believe that these stones result from an accumulation of unused calcium, and lack of exercise is generally thought to be a factor. A study conducted in 1973 showed that cranberries help prevent stones in some people by reducing the excessive amounts of calcium commonly found in the urinary tract. There is some scientific evidence that this may also be true of rose hips, which have traditionally been used to ease various urinary tract infections. Since the calcium-phosphate stones are most common in alkaline urine, cranberries and other herbs that acidify urine also help prevent stones.
Levels of the enzyme urease, which contributes to kidney stones, are increased by bacteria and the alkaline urine they produce. Studies on rosemary conducted in Paraguay, where this herb is an important folk medicine, showed that it almost completely inhibits urease.
If you are prone to kidney stones, play it safe and avoid such foods as rhubarb, spinach, beet greens, sorrel, green tea and chocolate. All of these are rich in oxalic acid. If you do eat these foods, try not to eat foods high in calcium at the same time—this means that spinach and cheese soufflĂ© or chocolate milk are especially problematic.
Uric acid stones are found in urine that is too acidic. If you get this type of stone, eat cherries, strawberries, apple juice, asparagus and nettles to make your urine more alkaline. Also consider changing your diet. One thing that can cause overly acidic urine is an overabundance of protein. The herbs meadowsweet, sarsaparilla, joe-pye weed and plantain (which is widely used by the Chinese to treat kidney problems) help rid the kidneys of excess uric acid. This use for meadowsweet was acknowledged in a French medical journal in 1942.
Kidney Stone Tea
2 teaspoons hydrangea root
1 teaspoon wild yam root
1 teaspoon cramp bark
1½ quarts water
1 teaspoon joe-pye weed
½ teaspoon each corn silk, plantain leaf and yarrow leaf
Add hydrangea, wild yam and cramp bark to water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, then turn down heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Remove from heat, add other herbs, cover pan and steep for at least 20 minutes. Strain and keep refrigerated. Drink 3 to 4 cups daily. If bleeding occurs, add 30 drops shepherd's purse tincture to each cup of tea.
A tea is especially appropriate when treating a kidney infection because you should already be drinking plenty of water to keep kidneys flushed and help prevent the stones from forming. For convenience, you can also take this formula as a tincture; take 2 to 3 dropperfuls a day.
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