A new study of coffee and diabetes (Jan 2004) has shown that men who drank 6 cups of coffee a day reduced their chances of developing type-2 diabetes by half, and women who drank the same amount cut their risk by 30 percent. 126,000 people filled out questionnaires over the past 12-18 years with information about their coffee intake and other health questions.

In earlier studies, Dutch researchers discovered that there are compounds in coffee that aid the body's metabolism of sugar. Their study involved 17,000 men and women in the Netherlands. The results were published in November 2002, in the journal Lancet.

According to their study, people who drank 7 cups a day (or more) were 50% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Drinking less coffee had less of an impact on diabetes onset. Researchers are still looking at the connection between coffee and diabetes, and caution people that 7 cups of coffee per day is enough to create other health problems.

A number of older studies have shown that caffeine may increase your risk of developing diabetes. The theory is that the beneficial chemicals are able to offset the damage done by the caffeine. So drinking decaffeinated coffee would be the best bet if you are thinking of drinking coffee to prevent diabetes.

Tea also has an effect on diabetes. Drinking tea can improve insulin activity up to 15 times, and it can be black, green or oolong. Herbal teas don't have any effect. The active compounds don't last long in the body, so you would have to drink a cup or more of tea every few hours to maintain the benefit. The catch is that you should drink it without milk (even soy milk), because milk seems to interact with the necessary chemicals and render them unavailable to your body.



Frequently Asked Questions ABOUT DIABETES

Diabetes-Related Health Concerns

These publications were sources for this document:

Effects of Diabetes

Diabetes Problems

Take Charge of Your Diabetes

National Diabetes Fact Sheet 2003

The Link Between Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease

Insulin Resistance and Pre-Diabetes

The Metabolic Syndrome

Prevent Diabetes Problems: Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Kidney Disease of Diabetes

Prevent Diabetes Problems: Keep Your Kidneys Healthy

Prevent Diabetes Problems: Keep Your Feet and Skin Healthy

Prevent Diabetes Problems: Keep Your Teeth and Gums Healthy

Oral Health and Oral Hygiene

Sexual and Urologic Problems of Diabetes

Link to top of page How can diabetes affect cardiovascular health?

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of early death among people with diabetes. Adults with diabetes are two to four times more likely than people without diabetes to have heart disease or experience a stroke. At least 65% of people with diabetes die from heart disease or stroke. About 70% of people with diabetes also have high blood pressure.

See the following for more information:

Link to top of page How are cholesterol, triglyceride, weight, and blood pressure problems related to diabetes?

People with type 2 diabetes have high rates of cholesterol and triglyceride abnormalities, obesity, and high blood pressure, all of which are major contributors to higher rates of cardiovascular disease. Many people with diabetes have several of these conditions at the same time. This combination of problems is often called metabolic syndrome (formerly known as Syndrome X). The metabolic syndrome is often defined as the presence of any three of the following conditions: 1) excess weight around the waist; 2) high levels of triglycerides; 3) low levels of HDL, or "good," cholesterol; 4) high blood pressure; and 5) high fasting blood glucose levels. If you have one or more of these conditions, you are at an increased risk for having one or more of the others. The more conditions that you have, the greater the risk to your health.

Link to top of page How can I be “heart healthy” and avoid cardiovascular disease if I have diabetes?

To protect your heart and blood vessels, eat right, get physical activity, don’t smoke, and maintain healthy blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. Choose a healthy diet, low in salt. Work with a dietitian to plan healthy meals. If you’re overweight, talk about how to safely lose weight. Ask about a physical activity or exercise program. Quit smoking if you currently do. Get a hemoglobin A1C test at least twice a year to determine what your average blood glucose level was for the past 2 to 3 months. Get your blood pressure checked at every doctor’s visit, and get your cholesterol checked at least once a year. Take medications if prescribed by your doctor.

See the following for more information:

Link to top of page How can diabetes affect the eyes?

In diabetic eye disease, high blood glucose and high blood pressure cause small blood vessels to swell and leak liquid into the retina of the eye, blurring the vision and sometimes leading to blindness. People with diabetes are also more likely to develop cataracts – a clouding of the eye’s lens, and glaucoma – optic nerve damage. Laser surgery can help these conditions.

See the following for more information:

Link to top of page How can I keep my eyes healthy if I have diabetes?

There’s a lot you can do to prevent eye problems. A recent study shows that keeping your blood glucose level closer to normal can prevent or delay the onset of diabetic eye disease. Keeping your blood pressure under control is also important. Finding and treating eye problems early can help save sight.

It is best to have an eye doctor give you a dilated eye exam at least once a year. The doctor will use eye drops to enlarge (dilate) your pupils to examine the backs of your eyes. Your eyes will be checked for signs of cataracts or glaucoma, problems that people with diabetes are more likely to get.

Because diabetic eye disease may develop without symptoms, regular eye exams are important for finding problems early. Some people may notice signs of vision changes. If you’re having trouble reading, if your vision is blurred, or if you’re seeing rings around lights, dark spots, or flashing lights, you may have eye problems. Be sure to tell your health care team or eye doctor about any eye problems you may have.

See the following for more information:

Link to top of page How can diabetes affect the kidneys?

In diabetic kidney disease (also called diabetic nephropathy), cells and blood vessels in the kidneys are damaged, affecting the organs’ ability to filter out waste. Waste builds up in your blood instead of being excreted. In some cases this can lead to kidney failure. When the kidneys fail, a person has to have his or her blood filtered through a machine (a treatment called dialysis) several times a week, or has to get a kidney transplant.

See the following for more information:

Link to top of page How can I keep my kidneys healthy if I have diabetes?

There’s a lot you can do to prevent kidney problems. A recent study shows that controlling your blood glucose can prevent or delay the onset of kidney disease. Keeping your blood pressure under control is also important.

Diabetic kidney disease happens slowly and silently, so you might not feel that anything is wrong until severe problems have developed. Therefore, it is important to get your blood and urine checked for kidney problems each year.

Your doctor can learn how well your kidneys are working by testing every year for microalbumin (a protein) in the urine. Microalbumin in the urine is an early sign of diabetic kidney disease. Your doctor can also do a yearly blood test to measure your kidney function.

Go to the doctor if you develop a bladder or kidney infection; symptoms include cloudy or bloody urine, pain or burning when you urinate, an urgent need to urinate often, back pain, chills, or fever.

See the following for more information:

Link to top of page How can diabetes affect nerve endings?

Having high blood glucose for many years can damage the blood vessels that bring oxygen to some nerves, as well as the nerve coverings. Damaged nerves may stop sending messages, or send messages too slowly or at the wrong times. Numbness, pain, and weakness in the hands, arms, feet, and legs may develop. Problems may also occur in various organs, including the digestive tract, heart, and sex organs. Diabetic neuropathy is the medical term for damage to the nervous system from diabetes. The most common type is peripheral neuropathy, which affects the arms and legs.

An estimated 50% of those with diabetes have some form of neuropathy, but not all with neuropathy have symptoms. People with diabetes can develop nerve problems at any time, but the longer a person has diabetes, the greater the risk. The highest rates of neuropathy are among people who have had the disease for at least 25 years.

Diabetic neuropathy also appears to be more common in people who have had problems controlling their blood glucose levels, in those with high levels of blood fat and blood pressure, in overweight people, and in people over the age of 40.

See the following for more information::

Link to top of page How can I prevent nerve damage if I have diabetes?

You can help keep your nervous system healthy by keeping your blood glucose as close to normal as possible, getting regular physical activity, not smoking, taking good care of your feet each day (see below), having your health care provider examine your feet at least 4 times a year, and getting your feet tested for nerve damage at least once a year.

See the following for more information::

Link to top of page Why is it especially important to take care of my feet if I have diabetes?

Nerve damage, circulation problems, and infections can cause serious foot problems for people with diabetes. Sometimes nerve damage can deform or misshape your feet, causing pressure points that can turn into blisters, sores, or ulcers. Poor circulation can make these injuries slow to heal. Sometimes this can lead to amputation of a toe, foot, or leg.

See the following for more information:

Link to top of page What should I do on a regular basis to take care of my feet?

Look for cuts, cracks, sores, red spots, swelling, infected toenails, splinters, blisters, and calluses on the feet each day. Call your doctor if such wounds do not heal after one day.

If you have corns and calluses, ask your doctor or podiatrist about the best way to care for them.

Wash your feet in warm—not hot—water and dry them well.

Cut your toenails once a week or when needed. Cut toenails when they are soft from washing. Cut them to the shape of the toe and not too short. File the edges with an emery board.

Rub lotion on the tops and bottoms of feet—but not between the toes—to prevent cracking and drying.

Wear shoes that fit well. Break in new shoes slowly, by wearing them 1 to 2 hours each day for the first 1 to 2 weeks.

Wear stockings or socks to avoid blisters and sores.

Wear clean, lightly padded socks that fit well; seamless socks are best.

Always wear shoes or slippers, because when you are barefoot it is easy to step on something and hurt your feet.

Protect your feet from extreme heat and cold.

When sitting, keep the blood flowing to your lower limbs by propping your feet up and moving your toes and ankles for a few minutes at a time.

Avoid smoking, which reduces blood flow to the feet.

Keep your blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol under control by eating healthy foods, staying active, and taking your diabetes medicines.

See the following for more information:

Link to top of page How can diabetes affect the digestion?

Gastroparesis, otherwise known as delayed gastric emptying, is a disorder where, due to nerve damage, the stomach takes too long to empty itself. It frequently occurs in people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

Symptoms of gastroparesis include heartburn, nausea, vomiting of undigested food, an early feeling of fullness when eating, weight loss, abdominal bloating, erratic blood glucose levels, lack of appetite, gastroesophageal reflux, and spasms of the stomach wall.

See the following for more information:

Link to top of page How can diabetes affect oral health?

Because of high blood glucose, people with diabetes are more likely to have problems with their teeth and gums. And like all infections, dental infections can make your blood glucose go up. Sore, swollen, and red gums that bleed when you brush your teeth are a sign of a dental problem called gingivitis. Another problem, called periodontitis, happens when your gums shrink or pull away from your teeth.

People with diabetes can have tooth and gum problems more often if their blood glucose stays high. Also, smoking makes it more likely for you to get a bad case of gum disease, especially if you have diabetes and are age 45 or older.

People with diabetes are also prone to other mouth problems, like fungal infections, poor post-surgery healing, and dry mouth.

See the following for more information::

Link to top of page How can I keep my mouth, gums, and teeth healthy if I have diabetes?

You can help maintain your oral health by keeping your blood glucose as close to normal as possible, brushing your teeth at least twice a day, and flossing once a day. Keep any dentures clean. Get a dental cleaning and exam twice a year, and tell your dentist that you have diabetes. Call your dentist with any problems, such as gums that are red, sore, bleeding, or pulling away from the teeth; any possible tooth infection; or soreness from dentures.

See the following for more information: Prevent Diabetes Problems: Keep Your Teeth and Gums Healthy from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research

Link to top of page How can diabetes affect my sexual response?

Many people with diabetic nerve damage have trouble having sex. For example, men can have trouble maintaining an erection and ejaculating. Women can have trouble with sexual response and vaginal lubrication. Both men and women with diabetes can get urinary tract infections and bladder problems more often than average.

See the following for more information:

Link to top of page How can diabetes affect my mood?

Several studies suggest that diabetes doubles the risk of depression, although it’s still unclear why. The psychological stress of having diabetes may contribute to depression, but diabetes’ metabolic effect on brain function may also play a role. At the same time, people with depression may be more likely to develop diabetes.

The risk of depression increases as more diabetes complications develop. When you are depressed, you do not function as well, physically or mentally; this makes you less likely to eat properly, exercise, and take your medication regularly.

Psychotherapy, medication, or a combination of both can treat depression effectively. In addition, studies show that successful treatment for depression also helps improve blood glucose control.

See the following for more information:

Link to top of page How does diabetes affect how I respond to a cold or flu?

Being sick by itself can raise your blood glucose. Moreover, illness can prevent you from eating properly, which further affects blood glucose.

In addition, diabetes can make the immune system more vulnerable to severe cases of the flu. People with diabetes who come down with the flu may become very sick and may even have to go to a hospital. You can help keep yourself from getting the flu by getting a flu shot every year. Everyone with diabetes—even pregnant women—should get a yearly flu shot. The best time to get one is between October and mid-November, before the flu season begins.

See the following for more information:

Link to top of page What should I do when I am sick?

Be sure to continue taking your diabetes pills or insulin. Don’t stop taking them even if you can’t eat. Your health care provider may even advise you to take more insulin during sickness.

Test your blood glucose every four hours, and keep track of the results.

Drink extra (calorie-free) liquids, and try to eat as you normally would. If you can’t, try to have soft foods and liquids containing the equivalent amount of carbohydrates that you usually consume.

Weigh yourself every day. Losing weight without trying is a sign of high blood glucose.

Check your temperature every morning and evening. A fever may be a sign of infection.

Call your health care provider or go to an emergency room if any of the following happen to you:

  • You feel too sick to eat normally and are unable to
    keep down food for more than 6 hours.
  • You're having severe diarrhea.
  • You lose 5 pounds or more.
  • Your temperature is over 101 degrees F.
  • Your blood glucose is lower than 60 mg/dL or
    remains over 300 mg/dL.
  • You have moderate or large amounts of ketones in
    your urine.
  • You're having trouble breathing.
  • You feel sleepy or can't think clearly.

See the following for more information:


Yoga and Diabetes: The effects of exercise and yoga on Diabetes - A survey of medical research (Part I of II)

By Marshall Govindan, M.A. and Dr. Emilia Ripoll-Bunn, M.D

Diabetes is a devastating medical condition affecting people of all ages, genders, and nationalities. Diabetics have an inability to bring glucose in from the blood to the cells. This abnormality is due to either a decrease in the production of insulin by the pancreas or an insensitivity of the cells to respond to the insulin present.

In either case, the end result is that there is a low level of glucose in the cells and an excess of glucose in the blood stream. It is believed that high glucose levels in the blood lead to vascular damage, resulting in decreased blood flow to all areas of the body. It is this process of diminished blood flow which is responsible for conditions such as diabetic retinopathy (which can cause blindness), neuropathy, kidney failure, urinary difficulties and loss of limbs.

There are two forms of diabetes. Type 1, known as insulin dependent or juvenile diabetes, where almost no insulin is produced, manifests especially in young persons. However, it can also affect the adult under 40 years of age, and occasionally older persons. Very widespread, type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent) there is only reduced production, normally attributed to some degenerative process. It manifests especially in persons older forty who are overweight.


Clinical research in the west has focused exclusively on diabetes as a physical disorder, and hence the treatments that have been researched have involved stimulating the pancreas through drugs, or by controlling the glucose levels by dietary restrictions, artificial insulin, and more recently, by physical exercise.

The results of the research on the beneficial effects of exercise will be first surveyed. Clinical research in India, by contrast, has recognized that diabetes is a psychosomatic disorder, in which the causative factors are sedentary habits, physical, emotional and mental stress and strain. It has studied the beneficial effects of the practice of yoga, which is much more than a physical exercise.

Yoga addresses the whole person, considering not only their physical needs, but emotional, mental, intellectual and spiritual needs as well, through gentle movements, relaxation, breathing, lifestyle attitudes and meditation. The results of this research will be surveyed in the second part of this paper.


Insulin-dependent (Type 1)

Type 1 diabetes occurs when the pancreas is incapable of secreting sufficient insulin to eliminate the excess of glucose in the blood. Insulin helps to control glycimia, the rate of glucose in the blood, and transforms the excess of glucose (provided by one's food) into fat. Type 1 is more difficult to control than Type 2. Clinical observations have demonstrated that vigorous physical activity helps diabetic children to better control their level of glucose. (1)

Shepard (2) emphasized that in certain studies where the diabetic children were subject to training program, some saw their need for insulin significantly reduced, and others were able to finish diabetic treatment. It is known also that extreme sedentary living, for example, when one is confined to bed, bring a deterioration in the control of glucose. Because of these observations, it was thought that exercise could constitute an important element in a program to control Type 1 diabetes. However, the several serious studies done in the West have not shown conclusive results. When the quantity of insulin produced is too low, it seems that exercise does not provoke in the muscles, sufficient utilisation of glucose to effectively lower glycemia. It is thought that the weak utilisation of glucose by the muscles could be due to, among other things, the presence of fatty acids in large volume, as a energy sublayer.

If the control of Type 1 diabetes seemed to be little improved by physical exercise, several authors have mentioned that it could still be helpful for diabetics in reducing the risk factors associated with coronary heart disease. Campaigne (3) found a significant reduction in low density lipo-proteins (LDL) among a group of adolescents who had Type 1 diabetes and were enrolled in a physical training program. The effects of body weight, diet and medication was controlled in the study.

A retrospective study of 67 adults with Type 1 diabetes by Laporte (4) revealed that those diabetics who practiced team sports in high school and college had a lower incidence of mortality and a lower incidence of cardio-vascular disease than their sedentary colleagues. Also, it was observed that diabetics who participated in sports showed no higher levels of retinopathy as had been feared.

In a critical analysis of studies on the subject, Richter and Galbo (5) concluded that physical training could not be recommended as a means to improve metabolic control in Type 1 diabetes because of the difficulty in controlling glycemia among these patients. However, they specified that our actual knowledge and techniques permit well informed subjects to do physical exercise and to even attain very high levels of athletic performance.

Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes (Type 2)

As in the case of Type 1 diabetics, Type 2 diabetics often have a lack of capacity to produce sufficient quantities of insulin. However, among many of them, we find a relatively normal level of production of insulin. What characterizes Type 2 diabetics is a certain lack of sensitivity or resistance of the tissues to insulin. This form of diabetes develops gradually and the signs are subtle. Treatment involves the control of diet, regular exercise, medication and in some serious cases, the administration of insulin. Many studies have shown the immediate effects of exercise on Type 2 diabetes. (5,6,7) Exercise reduces the rate of blood glucose, increases the number of insulin receptors and increases the sensitivity and level of absorption of insulin by the tissues. Because of its hormonal and metabolic effects, it is believed that regular physical exercise can prevent or stop the development of Type 2 diabetes.

In a census of studies, Zinman and Vranic (6) concluded that exercise alone does not have an important effect in improving over the long term, the metabolic anomalies associated with Type 2 diabetes. As Type 2 diabetics are particularly subject to the complications of arterio-sclerosis, the beneficial effects of physical activities on circulating lipo-proteins are indicated in particular. Among obese Type 2 diabetics, exercise may even be an effective therapeutic tool favoring the loss of weight and the absorption of insulin of the tissues.

Richter and Galbo (5) concluded that the practice of regular physical exercise among persons genetically predisposed to Type 2 diabetes could prevent its development, probably by diminishing the demand placed upon the beta cells of the pancreas. The authors added that it is not known actually whether physical exercise can reduce morbidity or mortality rates among diabetics. It is known, however, that physical training can reduce certain risk factors related to the development of arterio-sclerosis, but to a lesser degree than among healthy persons.

Recommended physical activities for diabetics

These recommendations must be addressed to persons whose diabetes is being controlled. One of the most important preoccupations for the diabetic is to maintain a normal level of glycemia. Eating food brings an increase in blood glucose while physical activity, insulin, and oral hypoglycemiants exercise an opposite effect. The diabetic who exercises must know how to adjust the different factors in function of their cumulative impact on his or her glycemia. The diabetic must be able to measure his glycemia using an appropriate device.

Among Type 1 diabetics, Nadeau (8) mentions that for a glycemia above 300 milligrams per deciliter ( mg/dl) outside of the period immediately following a meal, the insulin deficit is particularly serious. Therefore, in such cases, physical exercise is not recommended because it could aggravate the metabolic disorder. If the glycemia is normal (70-130 mg/dl), exercise could be done if certain precautions are followed to avoid hypoglycemia.

Before physical exercise of medium length, that is, less than one hour, the diabetic should consume rapidly assimilable glucides in the form of fruit juice, honey or dextrose tablets. In the case of vigorous physical activity for a longer period, such as cross country skiing, one should take every 30 minutes a drink containing glucides and proteins (yogurt for example). The diabetic should never go more than two hours without eating. In the case of vigorous physical activity for a long period, one should reduce the insulin dosage before the exercise. Such a diminished dose would be 10 to 30 percent of the normal dosage, and would vary greatly from one person to the other. The dosage should be evaluated by the attending physician.

Exercise increases significantly the metabolism of the muscles involved. If insulin is injected into a muscular zone where being greatly exercised, it will be quickly absorbed. To favor a more gradual absorption, it can be injected at the level of the abdomen. (5,6,8,9) In healthy persons, vigorous physical activity increases greater sensitivity and absorption which manifests even several hours after the exercise. This phenomena is found also among insulin-dependent persons. Consequently, such a person should never sleep down after a vigorous physical activity without having taken a good meal, because of the risk of delayed hypoglycemia which can manifest several hours later. (8,9) It is especially important for patients who take not only insulin, but beta-blockers, since the symptoms of hypoglycemia, such as abnormal fatigue and incoherent speech and movements, can be hidden by this type of medication. The table indicates the principal recommendations regarding physical exercise for diabetics.

In summary, the regular practice of physical activities and exercise can have beneficial effects for diabetics. In the case of those with Type 2, often obese, exercise favors the loss of weight, increases the absorption of one's own insulin and diminishes the need for oral hypoglycemiants. For persons with Type 1, exercise seems to bring little improvement to the metabolic control of diabetes, but reduces certain risk factors related to the heart. Diabetics must be aware of the possible problems which can arrive during or after exercise and know what to do about them.

Recommendations Regarding Physical Activities And Exercise Among Diabetics

1. The diabetic must be know how to recognize the signs of hypoglycemia and when possible, be accompanied by someone who can go and get glucides when needed. This person must know how to intervene in case of problems.

2. Generally, the diabetic can prevent hypoglycemia by:

� measuring more frequently his or her level of blood glucose during the first phase of exercise;

� diminish his or her dosage of insulin (by one or two units or according to the recommendations of their doctor) or increase the consumption of glucides (by ten to fifteen grams per half hour of exercise) before beginning to exercise;

� inject insulin in a zone of the body which is not affected much by the exercise, for example, the abdomen;

� avoid exercise during the period when insulin levels are highest, that is during the hour following a meal;

� consume drinks rich in glucides, before and during all prolonged physical activities

3. Because of the risk of micro-angiopathy and neuropathy which can be instigated by a prolonged period with high blood glucose, it is important to take good care of the feet and wear comfortable shoes.

4. Physical activities like bicycling and swimming are particularly indicated because they involve much less orthopedic risks.

5. The frequency of exercise sessions should be between five and seven times per week. For Type 1 diabetics, daily physical activity will permit one to adopt a regular diet and regular insulin dosage. For Type 2 diabetics, physical activity practiced at least five times per week will permit the maximum expenditure of calories and the control of body weight.

6. The duration of the sessions should be between 20 and 30 minutes for Type 1 diabetics and from 40 to 60 minutes for Type 2 diabetics.

7. The intensity of the activity should be moderate, that is between 50 and 75 percent of the person's functional capacity (see the calculation of the Karvonen equation: the target heart rate should be 220 � ones age in years � heart rate while resting x 75% + heart rate while resting). When it is difficult to measure this, the optimal level is where one feels slightly out of breath, but capable of holding a conversation without much problem.

8. Patients who suffer advanced retinopathy should avoid activities where there are repetitive shocks (such as running and jump rope) or where there are significant increases in arterial tension. Swimming is especially recommended.

9. Some activities such as aerial sports or underwater diving is to be avoided among Type 1 diabetics because of the catastrophic consequences which hypoglycemia can bring. Sources: American College of Sports Medicine, reference 9, Nadeau, reference 8, and Richter and Galbo, reference 5